Thursday, September 30, 2010

competition list reasons

D & G (full name: Dolce & Gabbana) was founded in 1994, the young brand by Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana founded by two Italians. D & G's style is very unique, not only turned down the initial start of a large garment factory OEM delivery, stick to the plate, tailoring, decorative accessories and all samples and clothing, also serves only the appointment of non-professional models, fashion for the time on ceremony community, is a very unique style. D & G fashion has always been to Catholicism as the main color of black clothing, religious southern European pattern has been transferred to performance; This is the best known fashion designer duo's brand of alternative fashion style for its conquest of the whole the world's young people.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


your heart there is a large measure, that you are a happy woman. dialogue with different self-wo want to be a beautiful woman, a very important point is that she wants to play a good life, multi-role. for the modern woman , the career and family conflicts are often the biggest problem plaguing them. Even though the cause is a fundamental opposition between the family, but women are often not good for handling the conflict between the two, his own life in a mess. Life, career Fengfengguangguang often see some women, family life very unhappy. These strong woman who looks or intelligence are not bad either, why do not the perfect love life? This is the first woman's social role from the start with. general sense, women have to bear in life, the role of wife and mother, wife and mother is a community and the men on the woman's general requirements. And professional women and men in the shoulder as much of the work, the often have to take a lot of household chores. But the person's energy is limited, when a woman immoderation, eager to achieve career success with men must go to a lot of energy into work, which is bound to ignore the family, are often prone to family crisis. wo we need business, but wo need love and affection they need encouragement, need to charge, need warmth, need free time. This is the well-being of ordinary people wo have. As a community member of the family in general, wo had not afford to lose the family , also afford to lose business. Family is backing the cause, with the warm family, wo have to go threw himself into the cause; the cause of the protection of the family, have a good, stable job, wo are able to better enjoy the happy life, between is an integral whole. Some people always think that the family, not the cause of both. In fact, the career and family, they are not contradictory. In real life, most people take a two pronged approach, not to live very happy? Britain's Margaret Thatcher, her career can be described as a super strong woman. She served three consecutive British Prime Minister, after 12 years of careful management of the country all have the change, the media, she was known as the \full good woman style.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Syntax fill in the blank

read the following passage, in accordance with the syntax of sentence structure and context of the requirements of coherence , fill in the blanks with an appropriate word or grammatical use of brackets in the correct form of fill in the blank, and fill in the answers to the answer sheet corresponding grade for the 16-25 position.

On December 19th, 2006, an airbus took off on time from the capital airport of Saudi Arabia. After about an hour's 16. (fly), something strange happened in the plane.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The couples my friend

The couples my friend and I saw at the park that summer were enviable but not because they seemed so in lovemthey were enviable because the husbands played with the kids for 20 minutes so their wives could eat lunch. In practice, my married friends with kids donrt spend that much time with their husbands anyway (between work and child care), and in many cases, their biggest complaint seems to be that they never see each other. So if you rarely see your husbandmbut hers a decent guy who takes out the trash and sets up the baby gear, and he provides a second income that allows you to spend time with your child instead of working 60 hours a week to support a family on your ownmhow much does it matter whether the guy you marry is The One?
Itrs not that Irve become jaded to the point that I donrt believe in, or even crave, romantic connection. Itrs that my understanding of it has changed. In my formative years, romance was John...

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Alexus answered, \They usually took her friend Shawna with them.

In fact, there was not much of anything Alexus did without Shawna. They had been the best of friends for many years.

\Alexus slipped into the front passenger seat of the light blue sedan. \door. She put on her seatbelt. \, on Jumper Drive. It did not take long before they pulled into the long drive way leading up to the old four bedroom cape. It had a large screen porch on the front of the house.

A newly built garage joined the side of the house and out behind the house sat an old barn. The barn was not in the best of shape, but it still stood solid against the elements.

During the day Alexus and her friends liked being in the barn. It was a bit spooky, but they were okay with that. And at night they would sit on the porch swing and watch while bats flew back and forth in the yard chasing bugs.

Sometimes they would ponder if any of the bats would change into something they had seen in a movie they watched the night before. Horror movies were one of their favorites. Alexus had seen every vampire movie she could find. She was now trying to dress like one. < br>
As soon as she turned fifteen she asked her mom if she could pick her own style of dress. Her mom did not see any harm in it at the time. So, Alexus began with the basics, like buying the black fingernail polish and then moved on slowly to the rest of the garb of the Goth.

Because she had changed her dress style in changes, her mom never really noticed how deep she was into the gothic trend. Alexus would go to the extremes of trying to stay out of sunlight as much as possible. This caused and unusual paleness to her complexion. Almost to the point, where she looked kind of ghostly at times.

Her friend Shawna had also begun to follow the gothic trend. But not quite to the same extent as Alexus. She still would go out into the sunlight, allowing herself to have a light tan.

She once told Alexus how she needed to be able to go out in the sunlight. She would not be able to garden. Who would grow the herbs they would need for the recipes they would cook up together.

Mrs. Bordaine parked the car in the garage.


\... orange ... or cola? \went off to get them set up in the barn, while Alexus made the call to Jordan.

The phone hung on the wall of the kitchen beside the small drop leaf table. The room was bright from the morning sunshine. Alexus tried to avoid standing in the sunlight as much as possible. She pulled the phone cord around the corner into the hallway after dialing Jordan's number.

\to her? \breath.

\lawn. \to take turns mowing the grass. But since he opened his big mouth, he has to take turns washing the dishes. \to the yard sales today, \'Kay ... \\

Alexus took her pile of food and drink into the hallway where she had stood talking on the phone and followed it to the front door.

The front door had a wooden screen door on the house and the porch. They were easy to push open with a shoulder.