Saturday, September 25, 2010


Alexus answered, \They usually took her friend Shawna with them.

In fact, there was not much of anything Alexus did without Shawna. They had been the best of friends for many years.

\Alexus slipped into the front passenger seat of the light blue sedan. \door. She put on her seatbelt. \, on Jumper Drive. It did not take long before they pulled into the long drive way leading up to the old four bedroom cape. It had a large screen porch on the front of the house.

A newly built garage joined the side of the house and out behind the house sat an old barn. The barn was not in the best of shape, but it still stood solid against the elements.

During the day Alexus and her friends liked being in the barn. It was a bit spooky, but they were okay with that. And at night they would sit on the porch swing and watch while bats flew back and forth in the yard chasing bugs.

Sometimes they would ponder if any of the bats would change into something they had seen in a movie they watched the night before. Horror movies were one of their favorites. Alexus had seen every vampire movie she could find. She was now trying to dress like one. < br>
As soon as she turned fifteen she asked her mom if she could pick her own style of dress. Her mom did not see any harm in it at the time. So, Alexus began with the basics, like buying the black fingernail polish and then moved on slowly to the rest of the garb of the Goth.

Because she had changed her dress style in changes, her mom never really noticed how deep she was into the gothic trend. Alexus would go to the extremes of trying to stay out of sunlight as much as possible. This caused and unusual paleness to her complexion. Almost to the point, where she looked kind of ghostly at times.

Her friend Shawna had also begun to follow the gothic trend. But not quite to the same extent as Alexus. She still would go out into the sunlight, allowing herself to have a light tan.

She once told Alexus how she needed to be able to go out in the sunlight. She would not be able to garden. Who would grow the herbs they would need for the recipes they would cook up together.

Mrs. Bordaine parked the car in the garage.


\... orange ... or cola? \went off to get them set up in the barn, while Alexus made the call to Jordan.

The phone hung on the wall of the kitchen beside the small drop leaf table. The room was bright from the morning sunshine. Alexus tried to avoid standing in the sunlight as much as possible. She pulled the phone cord around the corner into the hallway after dialing Jordan's number.

\to her? \breath.

\lawn. \to take turns mowing the grass. But since he opened his big mouth, he has to take turns washing the dishes. \to the yard sales today, \'Kay ... \\

Alexus took her pile of food and drink into the hallway where she had stood talking on the phone and followed it to the front door.

The front door had a wooden screen door on the house and the porch. They were easy to push open with a shoulder.

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